Health Lab Posters

Data Visualizations (2019): Posters were created to be displayed as large printed posters in weekly rotation at the MITRE Health Lab depicting various US healthcare topics using public data sets including the CDC, OECD, NRHA and CMS.

Client: MITRE, as part of GoInvo studio

Media: Adobe Illustrator, Figma

MITRE Space Display Mock Up

Process Work

Is Our Healthcare a Good Deal?

Research was compiled from public national health data. The aim of the visualization is to create a snapshot of the US health care system as compared to other countries.


BIPOC Women Healthcare Disparities

Research was compiled from public national health data. The aim of the visualization is to highlight disparities in women’s health statistics.


Rural Health Care Gaps

Research was compiled from public national health data. The aim of the visualization is to highlight disparities in rural health care as compared to urban areas.


Text Book Cover / Toronto Notes (2020)


Brain Boosters Editorial Animation / UCSF Magazine (S2021)